British Values
For more information about how we promote British Values at St Charles' please follow this link to our 'Self Curriculum' page.
Rule of Law
- We will talk about expectations/attendance and behaviours during assemblies.
- We learn about rules and behaviours to keep us safe.
- We will write and share classroom rules and rules around our school.
- We will learn about E-safety
- We will explore the roles of people who can help us
- We will learn about the importance of Rules as a whole school and in classes.
- We will explore rules and responsibilities in RE and PSHE lessons.
Tolerance & Respect
- We will learn about different religions in our Other Faiths weeks throughout the year
- We will ask children to complete pupil questionnaires
- We will share stories with children exploring moral/cultural beliefs
- We will provide the children with opportunities to attend regular worship in a range of different styles and formats.
- We will provide opportunities for children to share what they wonder about.
- We will have whole school themed days to explore similarities and differences between members of our school family and local community.
- We will select and put in place a School Council.
- We will have the opportunity to vote for things in school.
- We will learn about the Monarchy and previous monarchies
- We will hold debates and open-ended discussions
- We will have roles and responsibilities in school both at a classroom and whole school level
- We will fundraise for charities
Individual Liberty
- We will provide opportunities for child-led learning through projects, pupil choice lessons, child-initiated learning and continuous provision
- We provide children with choices for lunches and tuck shop
- We provide children with choices for reading books/library books
- We provide children with after school club choices
- We will provide children with life skills such as cooking and ICT club
- We complete regular pupil voice questionnaires to allow children’s voices to be heard.