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Catholic Social Teaching

The CAFOD characters support children's understanding of the principles.

At St Charles, we recognise the importance of teaching our children about the Catholic Social Teaching Principles which are rooted in Scripture and show how the Church teaches us to put our faith into action.

We want our children to understand that all Christians are called to show commitment to the teaching and example of Jesus as expressed in the Gospels. Through this, they will develop an understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and how this can be lived out in their daily lives: at a family and school, community and wider world level.

It is important to us that our children are outward, not inward, looking, recognizing the responsibility that is placed upon all Catholics to work towards a just, fair and peaceful world for all in which everyone is valued for their uniqueness. We want our children to challenge the inequalities that are part of our world and to be a voice for those in need and to see the planet for what it is: a gift to be treasured and cared for.

Here at St Charles, we teach our children that you are NEVER too small to make a BIG difference.

There are 9 Principles that we will focus on with our children.
Human Dignity, Solidarity, Subsidiarity
Participation, Distributive Justice, Option for the Poor
Common Good, Peace, Stewardship

These principles will be delivered in a variety of ways:

- through our RE curriculum and across the wider
- within our prayer and liturgy in school
- through our charitable giving
- linked to national or world awareness days and weeks
- class and school whole projects

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