Essential Information
Purchasing School Uniform
St Charles' school uniform is supplied by Steady Schoolwear in Hull:
Steady Schoolwear Central
16 Savile Street, Hull City Centre, HU1 3EF
Tel: 01482 322982
Email: orders@steadyschoolwear.co.uk
Normal Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9.15am to 4.30pm
Saturday 10am to 2pm
Order online at: www.steadyschoolwear.co.uk
Steady Schoolwear is able to provide our families with:
- Competitive pricing due to large scale ordering ability
- Excellent quality of uniform products across the Trust
- A supply of standard items of school wear that do not require branding
- Changing rooms for your child to try on uniform
- Shop floor allowing parents/carers to browse uniform items and purchase on the day (including during school holidays)
- City centre location with good public transport links. Car parking nearby on street and in Princes Quay.
Everyday uniform
- School sweatshirt (burgundy) or school cardigan (burgundy)
- Polo-shirt (gold)
- Trousers, skirt or pinafore (grey)
- Black shoes only (trainers are not permitted except for PE)
- Grey, white or black plain socks or tights

PE kit
- T-shirt (white)
- Shorts (burgundy or black)
- Black jogging bottoms can be worn for outside sports during cooler weather.
We want your children to be safe and comfortable at school and we want them to be able to have fun and run around at playtime. Shoes should be black and flat and should fit well to the foot eg lace-up shoes or velcro-fasten. All children will need to bring sand-shoes for indoor PE. Trainers can be worn for sport and PE outside.
Other Information
Jewellery must no be warn except one pair of stud only earrings in ears only. No other piercings should be worn. Stud earrings must be removed for PE. Plain watches may also be worn, however they will need removing for PE. Smart watches are not permitted. Long hair must be tied back and no Jo Jo Bows or unusual or different coloured clothing items are permitted.
Uniform Recycling & Second Hand Items
If you have items of second hand school uniform which are still in good condition and could benefit a another student, we strongly encourage you to donate these to the RE:Uniform community group who redistribute these to families on behalf of our school who can make use of them.
Visit their Facebook page: click here
Or you can take the items to one of their drop-off bins inside these stores:
- Sainsbury's: Hessle
- Morrisons: Anlaby & Holderness Road
- Whacky Warehouse, Hedon
- Bransholme Health Centre
- Orchard Park Health Centre
- Trinity Methodist Church, Newland Avenue
Need an item of school uniform?
RE:Uniform also offer free, good quality items of uniform to anyone who requests, subject to the availability of donations.
You can request items by emailing: Reuniform.trinity@gmail.com
Please note:
- Requests will be filed and delivered to your doorstep.
- Don't worry if you don't hear from them for a few weeks...everything is sorted and picked by unpaid volunteers most Tuesdays.
Do not hesitate to talk to the school if you are struggling with any items of school uniform.