At St Charles' VC Academy we seek to develop a love of learning in mathematics. Our teaching of mathematics meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and is based upon the Mastery approach whilst following the NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation.
From the moment pupils enter our school we aim to develop real sense of number which sets the foundations for future success. Across the school, a range of concrete and pictorial representations are used before abstract representations and methods are consolidated. Throughout lessons we aim to develop fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills hand in hand as these underpin the Maths Mastery approach. We present pupils with real life mathematical situations daily to ensure relevance and develop skills which can be utilised in the outside world. Pupil talk is an essential ingredient of every lesson, and our pupils understand that using mathematical vocabulary and being able to explain their own reasoning are key mathematical skills. We value the importance of the quick recall of basic number facts and ensure that this is a focus across the school, including weekly arithmetic sessions. The use of Times Table Rockstars and Numbots, both at school and home, helps the consolidation of multiplication and division facts as well as the speed with which these are recalled.