Early Years Foundation Stage

In our EYFS unit, we aim to:
- Support children in developing strong relationships with both their peers and adults within our school family,
- Weave the development of communication and language skills in all we do in order to unlock a world of opportunities for children in school and beyond.
- Be an inclusive, welcoming safe haven for our community which supports children in their very first steps on their learning journey.
- Meet the child where they are at by ensuring individual needs are met.
- Develop the holistic child by ensuring that we support the development of secure, happy and healthy relationships, a positive sense of self as well as developing each child’s potential as an active learner.
- Give all pupils access to a high quality, well planned and stimulating learning environment both indoors and outdoors.
- Ensure all children receive high quality teaching and adult interaction from highly skilled practitioners who understand each children’s knowledge, their gaps, strengths and ways forward.